CS20 Sterilent & High Level Disinfectant

VRX Accel by Preempt
SKU#: CAN-M-266009 UPC#:

CS20 Sterilent & High Level Disinfectant

VRX Accel by Preempt
SKU#: CAN-M-266009 UPC#:
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  • High-level disinfection is recommended for semi-critical tools or implements, that come in contact with mucous membranes or non-intact skin during use but do not ordinarily penetrate the skin or enter normally sterile areas of the body. In personal service settings, this can include tools such as reusable foot files, tweezers used for ingrown hairs, microblade handles, nail clippers, and cuticle pushers, or needle holders.
    1. Clean tools using water and detergent. Rinse and dry thoroughly. 
    2. Pour PREempt™ CS20 directly into the soaking tray. Do not dilute.
    3. Fully immerse tools in PREempt™ CS20 for 20 minutes. Re-use solution for up to 14 days.*
      1. *The solution must be discarded after 14 days or sooner as dictated by AHP7 Test Strips. Read the label for the full list of claims and use directions.
    4. Rinse tools with water and dry manually using a clean cloth or disposable towel. Store in a clean container marked “DISINFECTED”.
    • POWERFUL: Sterilizes tools in only 20 minutes. 
    • APPROVED: Health Canada registered sterilant and high level disinfectant.
    • COMPATIBLE: With your professional stainless steel and hard plastic tools and implements.
    • CONVENIENT: No dilution required. Re-use for up to 14 days in a soaking tray.
    • RESPONSIBLE: Biodegradable. Active ingredient breaks down into water and oxygen.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 7.0% w/w