Professional Purchase Agreement

Effective Date: April 11, 2023

Beauty Systems Group LLC and its affiliates sometimes d/b/a Cosmo Prof™ (collectively "BSG Companies") distribute and sell high quality hair care, cosmetics, nail, skin care and other products (the "Salon Products") provided by a variety of manufacturers, many of which have agreements with BSG Companies limiting sale of their products to salons and professionals in the cosmetology field. As such, BSG Companies' requires customers to abide by the terms of this Professional Purchase Agreement ("Agreement").

By purchasing Salon Products or creating or maintaining a Cosmo Prof account, you accept the terms of this Agreement. BSG Companies may change this Agreement from time to time. By purchasing Salon Products or maintaining your Cosmo Prof account thereafter, you accept such changes. Please check back here up-to-date terms.

Diversion and other unauthorized distribution of Salon Products intended to be marketed through exclusive channels may put professional only products in the hands of untrained consumers, damage the reputations of the manufacturers, and cause confusion as to the manufacturer's and BSG Companies' approval of the sale of professional beauty products through non-salon locations. This Agreement is applicable whether you are a salon owner, an individual operating as a business (cosmetologist, nail technician, barber or aesthetician), or another party required by BSG Companies to sign this Agreement, such as a school (collectively, “Salon Professional”).

Salon Professional wishes to purchase Salon Products from BSG Companies and BSG Companies agrees to sell reasonable quantities of Salon Products to Salon Professional in consideration of Salon Professional’s promises and subject to the following terms:

  • 1. All Salon Products purchased by Salon Professional: (a) will be used on Salon Professional’s premises or at Salon Professional’s place of business in connection with providing cosmetology services to customers; (b) used by Salon Professional in such reasonable quantities as Salon Professional needs for their own personal home maintenance use; or, (c) in the case of retail Salon Products (excluding those for “professional use only”), will be sold only to legitimate customers in such reasonable quantities as those clients may purchase for personal home maintenance use. Salon Professional will not sell Salon Products (i) in bulk, nor to any diverter or redistributor of products; through the mail, by telephone or telemarketing, catalog, facsimile orders, over the Internet, e-mail, mail order, or any other electronic means or ordering; or (iii) at flea markets, swap meets, or similar events. Salon Professional will permit BSG Companies or its agents, at all reasonable times and upon two days' prior notice, to enter its premises and audit sales, accounting, and financial records related to the procurement of Salon Products and their sale to third parties. Salon Professional will create such records closely in time following a sale, and maintain them for a period of at least two years beyond the date of Salon Professional's last purchase from BSG Companies.

  • 2. All "professional use only" Salon Products, including hair coloring products and associated chemicals, permanent waves, and any other products labeled "for Professional use only," "not for retail sale" or with similar language, shall not be sold by Salon Professional to anyone under any circumstances, but may be used consistent with 1(a) above.

  • 3. Salon Professional will not remove, obliterate, or tamper with the batch codes, tracking codes, serial number, or other codes applied to any Salon Products. In the event BSG Companies or another person or entity codes Salon Products prior to delivery Salon Professional, Salon Professional will not remove, obliterate, or tamper with said codes.

  • 4. Salon Professional agrees that, if it violates this Agreement, BSG Companies or the manufacturer of the Salon Product involved: a) shall be entitled to obtain an injunction to prevent the ongoing irreparable harm in any court of competent jurisdiction against Salon Professional prohibiting such violation; and, b) as additional relief shall be entitled to damages of at least the sum equal to the full retail price normally charged by Salon Professional for any of the Salon Products sold to Salon Professional that are resold in violation of this Agreement, in addition to legal fees and costs incurred by BSG Companies or the manufacturer of the Salon Product involved to recover any diverted Salon Product and enforce this Agreement.

  • 5. Salon Professional will take appropriate steps to ensure that all of its employees, agents, and contractors are made aware of this Agreement, and that they comply with it. BSG Companies reserve the right to cease providing Salon Products to Salon Professional at any time and for any reason whatsoever in its sole discretion. Without limitation, reasons that BSG Companies will cease providing Salon Products include ordering volumes of Salon Products which, in the sole opinion of BSG Companies, exceed the apparent business being conducted by Salon Professional, or any diversion of Salon Products.

  • 6. Each manufacturer of any Salon Product purchased by Salon Professional from BSG Companies shall be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement, each with an independent right to monitor compliance with and enforce this Agreement against Salon Professional. BSG Companies may provide your contact information and purchase details to said manufacturers for such purposes.

  • 7. Salon Professional or BSG Companies may terminate this Agreement with respect to future purchases of Salon Products immediately upon notice, in its sole discretion, but the obligations will survive related to any Salon Products purchased prior to termination. Termination of this Agreement will result in termination of Salon Professional’s Cosmo Prof account. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with regard to the subject matter of this Agreement and may not be modified other than by written agreement signed by both parties. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada, without regard to the conflict of law principles thereof. The parties acknowledge that they require that this Agreement be drawn up in the English language only. Les parties reconnaissent qu’elles ont exigé que la présente convention soit rédigée en langue anglaise seulement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Beauty Systems Group LLC ("BSG®") is committed to a salon-only policy of sales and distribution. Our commitment is a promise that we will make every effort to maintain the professional product integrity that you demand. Beauty Systems Group WILL NOT knowingly place our salons in jeopardy from the unauthorized sale of professional only products.

We participate in the Beauty Industry Fund for Consumer Protection to combat diversion on an industry-wide level.

What is Diversion?

Diversion is the sale of exclusive product lines outside the intended channels of professional distribution.

How Does Diversion Occur?

Diversion can occur through multiple sources, including through manufacturers or distributors who "look the other way" and sell directly to diverters, and through customers who purchase products not for authorized purposes, but rather for unauthorized resale.

Why does BSG® fight diversion practices?

We believe our products will produce optimum results only if chosen and sold by trained salon professionals who understand their clients' hair needs. From a trade standpoint, diversion tends to lessen the allure of the product in the eyes of the consumer. There can be product quality issues that arise from the purchase of diverted product as well, and many manufacturers do not guarantee product purchased through unauthorized channels.

Known suspected diverters will not be allowed to shop

What can one do to help stop diversion?

If a collector (diverter) contacts you, email us at to report it. Be sure to provide the collector's name, telephone number and any other information that you may be able to legally provide.

We abide by anti-diversion agreements with our manufacturers. Customer accounts that are flagged as diverters will not be allowed to shop on the site.